Our Price Promise:

Here at TDP we want to give you the best service we can. As our promise states, we will price match a product we have on our website to a product on the market that is cheaper. If you provide a legitimate written quotation from a verified dealer, we will price match with a 5% better offer guaranteed*. You can contact us via phone or email.

Phone: 0404 62650

Email: robbie@tdp.ie

Or you can contact us with the details below and our team will be on to you as soon as possible to discuss further:


    This promise is only for products sold on our website tdp.ie and excludes any Dynapack services. You must provide a legitimate written quotation from the verified dealer that lets us know the price of the product you wish to match. eBay links, Web shop links, or non-verifiable prices are not accepted.  Price checks should be done before purchasing. Only valid against official tax-compliant registered vendors. Must be the same product that you are trying to price match. The dealer’s product must also be currently in stock and available for purchase. We’ll match the price of an item; not delivery charges or other services. This is not valid if there is an existing TDP.ie promotion running at the time.